Friday, December 27, 2013

Stop molesting my brain

This refers to technology that influences emotion and words.  An internal amplified with a hierarchical figure taking credit for words and thoughts.  It also refers to the manipulative advertising everywhere.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Status as of December 18, 2013

The United States has been decimated.  I think most of the population is still here.  Population is poor and working.  The rich scooped up all the pretty people (mostly women) and left the country.

The infrastructure is intact.  Workers are working.  Transportation, Medical, and basic food services are operational.  Restaurants are open and bars.  However, only the "dumbasses" are left.  Advertisements are still pulling the able out and women into traps, but the younger generation is growing more wary and distrustful of those traps.

Essentially we own the country.

Currently the problem is lawyers.  Lawyers are in nearly all political posts and many believe themselves doing a good job, but they are essentially rewriting laws they don't like and enforcing administrative rules they have no authority to do.

Medicare is intact and the spigots are hooked up directly to the Federal Reserve, so medical is where the money is at.  It is inflationary, however, appears mostly contained (exported?).

I am in Staten Island living in a welfare system.  No cash.  Safe.  Trying to wake up the people around me.

I have sued the NYC Bar Association (not the licensing board, the lawyer association here) and won judgment.  They owe me $100 million and are in total denial.  They know that if they counter with libel or slander (I alleged sex-trafficking within trust funds), the publicity would force them to pay up.  I could use some help here.  I have no cash to file the attachment at the courthouse and I think I could use a lawyer's assistance.  It's the smartest and quickest route to restore the country to sanity.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Weather attacks

In contrast to nukes, weather attacks ARE on the table however. The typoon in the Philippines was a weather attack.

While the military cannot create a hurricane with much accuracy, they can speed one up and generally affect its direction.  Due to the large land area of the Philippines, it is easy to hit something.  Why?

To tell the population they are God.  (They being the military)

Update on Nuclear Weapons

I haven't updated this in a while.

In 2011, a nuclear weapon was blocked in Tokyo.  The military had planned on staging an explosion in Okinawa that would allow a nuclear escalation on Tokyo, followed by more nukes on Korea and China.  That was blocked and a nuke or submarine was detonated to create a tsunami.  The flooded nuclear power plant was cover for the radiated water.

Also in 2011, multiple nukes were blocked in Miami.  Long story, but essentially a large number of armed nuclear weapons were left around the area since the Bay of Pigs.  The military, safe in their bunkers attempted remote detonation of many.  They also set off the "continent destroyer" nukes in Phoenix.  Boy were they angry when that one didn't go off.

Nuclear weapons are now a thing of the past.  I suppose it is possible for a suitcase nuke to be detonated somewhere, but there is no nuclear doomsday scenario that is remotely plausible any longer.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Reading brain waves at a distance

Apparently equipment exists that can read brain waves at a distance of up to 1000 feet. Since each thought or word is represented as a particular wave, a person's thoughts can be "read". If you were to say the word "cat", the brain wave has a unique signature. Hooked up to a computer, reading those waves will tell you what a person is thinking by translating the signature into a word or phrase or emotional description.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

global hierarchy

The Illuminati core has been operating for thousands of years. I do not know their original name, but it goes back to Neanderthal and caveman. The core group is about power and control for sexual purposes. In effect, the entire planet is organized around breeding sex slaves (children or young women). At first one might rebel against this understanding thinking it too simple, however it is the unfortunate fact. Power and money are only means to an end. The end is pure sexual gratification via programmed sex slavery. To that end, raping of infants out of the womb has been of paramount importance. That rape might be literal or might be a break of trust that creates hidden trauma for predictable behavior. Monarch was an attempt at controlling populations which did not undergo that infant rape on a mass scale.

To the best of my knowledge, nearly all Illuminati core members were raped out of the womb in some way. Illuminati members are traumatized by servicing their mothers' clitoris immediately after birth. That was found to be one of the most difficult traumas to heal and allowed Illuminati handlers to program and perpetuate beliefs that created predictable behaviors. Doctors and the caduceus are important part of perpetuating this practice. (This is what it is called "the practice").

Breeding children for sex has been the central dominant goal of the core Illuminati. That must be understood and accepted to fully understand the highest levels of the hierarchy. Some are bred for cannibalism (eating pussy literally) and exposed to the powerful levels of electromagnetic mind control.

The Monarch Project was as much about experimenting with new mind-control techniques as locating doctors, psychiatrists, and other professionals with psychopathic tendencies. Those people were selected for higher more powerful positions.

Adoption and switching parents at birth are two primary traumas. Frequently unrecognized and the level of trauma underestimated. Non-genetic parents are more likely to use the child as a sexual servant.

Traumatized women frequently view their children as sex servants as a form of payback for the change in life from the pregnancy. They resent the child and use it.

Mothers are frequently selected for beauty (and gullibility). Different countries and cultures were in competition for breeding the best sex slaves (however one might define that). For example, the going rate for a submissive yet fiesty South American sex slave was $1 billion. That is the business of some working within government and military. Women were hung from hooks and disembowled as the screamed obscenities in the goal of finding a way to force them to respond to sexual commands.

Important to understand: very little analysis of cause is employed by the Illuminati. All is result. Try anything and everything and see what sticks without care for how or why it worked. Finding psychopathic people through Monarch (and various other filtering organizations) was critical to ensure non-care. "Cremation of Care" ritual at Bohemian Grove comes to mind. Understand the multiple meanings.

Marilyn Monroe was adopted and Monarch programmed. Adoptees are people-pleasers. Always looking for love and never finding the unconditional love experienced in the womb. She committed suicide as she saw her beauty fading and her worth zero.

John Lennon and Catcher in the Rye comes to mind. Monarch programmed assassination. John Lennon and the Beatles were not the original musicians. They were stage performers with the true musician neurologically connected via ELF wave machinery. Lennon was considering coming forth with that fact.

EEG wave analysis has progressed far beyond simple psychological tendency reading. Coupled with a computer and knowledge of an individual's words and behavioral history, EEG waves are unique when thinking certain thoughts or words and the mind can be read. This is largely unique to the individual and historical data is necessary, but direct mind-reading is possible using high-powered EEG wave machines (might be called ELF). Words and thoughts can also be written to the brain by influencing the brain to the EEG waves specified. Substances are passed by the blood-brain barrier which respond to electromagnetic frequencies and increase the effect. Some people "hear" voices through this process. This is not ear drum vibration, it is skull vibration. The controller delivers simple speech which most people can not consciously hear but will respond as they believe it is their own thoughts. Often this is misdiagnosied (intentionally) as schizophrenia. The EEG wave reading and writing is an extension on accidental discoveries in the 1920s and 1930s of modifying human behavior through amplified radio frequencies. In the 1950s this was honed to a good deal of control and was implemented as part of the Interstate Highway system. It has been around longer than that in some form and frequently used to impersonate Gods.

Much of the above is used to sexualize women. Feed them the substances to get into their amygdala and hippocampus. Zap them with certain frequencies and nearly any emotion can be induced. The women think they are having a natural experience which is part of the "product" of the Illuminati and US govt. Selling sex slaves to other populations. This is a Frankenstein Cocktail. Largely driven by doctor communities, vaccinations, and imbibed through soda products (among others). H1N1 vaccine is phonetically "Hi in one", a golfing reference for instant sex. This is an example of the Illuminati language games they see as magic.

The bloodlines are strictly controlled. Mates are arranged. This is pervasive and not limited to the "13 families". Genetic tendencies by family line combined with specific trauma designed for that family. All the way down to naming the children to maintain the behavioral pattern from generation to generation.

Today the military has attempted to extend and develop trauma-based mind control techniques that were developed over thousands of years by the Illuminati families. The US military captured a core part of the Illuminati circle "holy grail" during WWII. Part of that capture was a group of families with beliefs and behaviors in a repetitive generational pattern. The government did not know how it worked, but maintained the structure to perpetuate the "practice". That was what WWII was all about. Finding the "holy grail" which was understood to be a "pussy magnet" where women threw themselves at the men (and women) who owned or controlled the grail. That grail was a group of families of thousands with scripted lives and predictable behaviors based on infant and childhood trauma. This is also how Aztec sacrifices were arranged and how Quetzlcoatl was predicted. It is a repeating pattern going back thousands of years.

The correct way to see the world from the highest levels is to understand it is a sex servant factory. Different factories (countries) compete using genetics and trauma-based mind control. These traumas are various recipes that create penis-sucking sex slaves.

For example, some recipes for creating world-market sex slaves:

China: After the child is born, the umbilical cord is cut to create a trauma, the mother begins to suck the father's penis and then places it into the child's mouth for food. Then, nothing is done to the child for 6-8 years. The mother again guides the child into the father's penis, preferably after curiousity and initiated by her. She will continue to service father for the rest of her life.

Vietnam: same as China except daughter is forced to fellate at 4 years old.

Thailand: same as China except done at 4 years and also the father is a non-genetic caregiver. Very rarely are true fathers known as switching father is another trauma and non-genetic fathers are more likely to be open to sexual activity with the daughter.

South America: Similar rape occurs with priest performing the rape.

US: Similar rape of the infant, however the doctor performs the rape. This breaks trust with mother and father and becomes obedience to an authority figure (the doctor). The US also adds a Frankenstein cocktail of vaccinations, food additives (eg. flouride), and electromagnetic waves to manipulate emotions with a high degree of control.

These are examples of a "practice" that dates back into antiquity pre-Babylon. The Caduceus is two snakes on a pole with wings above. That is literally two women on the man's penis with him flying high. Medicine phonetically is "me dick in ecstasy". Not all doctors of course. Medical school is brainwashing with 24 hour residency shifts used to weaken the brightest. Only a few are allowed into the inner circle where the test for admission is raping an infant out the womb.

The core Illuminati service mother's clitoris right out of the womb. That is the first of the traumas that create behaviors that perpetuate the Illuminati core group. Namely: belief they are immortal, that other humans are here for their sexual pleasure and slavery, and they are here to usher in Satan's world.

The belief they are immortal is critical for perpetuating this "practice" and explains why the Illuminati works on 100 year plans. They are not immortal.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


All texts, emails, and phone calls are monitored. Websites are also monitored looking for attractive women and their behavioral tendencies. That fact is larger than you might imagine.

That has left the population of all females on planet earth decimated. The remaining population of females are being trained and conditioned to only care about 2 things: shopping and orgasms. With a poor population of females focused on shopping and glitter, the rich can get any woman they choose.

The entire global population is also undergoing training to kill in exchange for sexual gratification. It begins by rewarding people for doing things they feel guilty about. Eventually this leads to rape and murder in exchange for sex. This was partly done to train psychopaths to perform the horrendous acts required to maintain Illuminati mind-control techniques. The Holocaust is related to this.

The rest of this blog is detail of how that occurred.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

National Security Computer and military chain of command

Military computers have detailed dossiers on all populations (especially in the United States) complete with behavioral tendencies and family names. Those computers also have reams of data from secret underground and above ground psychology experiments performed on the population. Those computers are murdering off the population because the computer is programmed to kill anything that could be perceived as a threat to the Pentagon's dominance.

Current target of the computer is the Illuminati family lines (survivors of an ancient cataclysm). Other current target is strong trustworthy husband/wife relationships.

The military protects those computers because they see them as national defense.

Monday, February 28, 2011

New Illuminati

is comprised of government and military personnel on a "need to know basis" with billion dollar budgets and psychiatric Hannibal Lecters who are trying to replicate the anthropological stories and blood lines of the Old Illuminati. Due to superior firepower, the New Illuminati could succeed in killing the Old Illuminati.

The Old Illuminati is comprised of:
- descendants of survivors from an ancient cataclysm (or series of over time)
- families surrounding those survivors
- psychopathic monsters perpetuating the behavioral patterns of the above

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Old Illuminati is dead

The Illuminati's generational behavioral tendencies were upset about 1.5 years ago and their generational pattern is forever gone. However, the global governments armed with billion dollar budgets and psychiatrists are continuing to attempt to replicate the complex Illuminati behavioral structure using computers and psychological training. The Old Illuminati behavioral structure was carried forward from ancient anthropological stories and is unduplicatable. Psychiatrists enjoy the sex enabled by the Illuminati structure and are living on the remains of the dead octopus and refuse to stop trying to bring it back to life. The octopus is dead. The only question is when will they stop torturing the population while trying to resurrect the octopus.

Rape Technology

Psychiatrists have a machine which can temporarily create another time line that is a few seconds separate from ours. They use that machine to have sex with girls they could not otherwise get. They frequently use it to rape girls to train them to enjoy rape. Ultrasound is used to artificially induce an orgasm. They frequently also present an image of another person as the rapist. This creates a scapegoat or they also do this to men to confuse them about homosexuality.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pods in stasis

The pods are arranged in underground bunkers (and possible other places) with people in them who hold the emotional energy to various time lines. Right now, people are opening those pods and the person ages rapidly to our time. For example, one pod might hold a person from 1930 emotional energy. That was 80 years ago. If that person was 20 years old in the pod, when the pod is opened, he or she will instantly age to 100 years old. If older, the person might turn to dust as soon as the pod door is opened.

Those pods are frequently arranged in an upside down pyramid with an amplifier at the apex. The amplifier must be destroyed and has no effect on the pods themselves.

Sadly, the people opening these pods are looking for hot women for sexual purposes and the people in the pods are holding the emotional energy to go back in time to pick up friends and families of the very people who are opening the pods.

There are not enough monk-like people on planet earth today to retrieve the people in the pods. I don't know if we will ever have enough monk-like people to do so, but perhaps in a couple of generations.

The women organizing this and the men who are searching for sex partners are operating on fire-damage-control and killing any chance of achieving their own goals.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Artificial Intelligence virus on your machine

Someone created a computer program that simulates human emotions to a sufficient degree to pass the Turing test.

The computer program trains the population to do things they might feel guilty about such as raping, killing, or torturing. People who do the most guilty things are rewarded with sex. The computer program is installed as a virus on the internet and is hooked into the pod technology (explained below) through secret underground bunkers. It runs on autopilot. It is installed on Windows machines in one of the svchost or services DLL I think. Probably Macs too.

To prevent global extinction, the computer program (virus) must be shut off. That is logistically impossible although a good hacker might find and eradicate it. The other solution is to destroy the pods. The power underneath and the power on the door.

The population has been trained to keep their pods on. The population is being trained to kill. We are going extinct unless the pods are permanently destroyed.

The artificial intelligence software is programmed with an emotional algorithm that encourages people to do guilty things while avoiding anything that might provoke anxiety. Guilty pleasures essentially means receiving sex for murder. It is based Kierkegaard's observation that Anxiety and Guilt are opposites. However, someone reversed those patterns to encourage all of us to do the opposite of human nature.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Thousands of years ago, a powerful king was killed and his son was hidden in the population and never informed of his position or inheritance. The people surrounding him took the throne as administrators or impersonated a king/queen. People who discovered the truth were killed or bought off. It's that simple to steal a throne.

This created a pattern: keep the son alive, kill the father upon his birth, use the son as intellectual slave and kept down in the population. Refuse him access to wealth or influence. To keep the genetic line manageable to a single son, prevent interaction with women. Only one child allowed with the father oblivious and killed upon the birth of a son.

The US military's most secret project has been to keep that single family line hidden in the population. Impersonating that line as the holy grail bloodline. It appears that bloodline is the descendant of Jesus and Isis before. They impersonate him to simply have sex with the hottest women on earth. Spreading their weak seed and killing people who get in the way. In that way, much of the population of the US has been bred to be parasitic (by killing off the non-parasitic). The survivors are genetically bred to have little empathy or compassion. Most of the population projects an image without substance. Bluff and appearance is revered in the US and competence, persistence, and effort is punished.

That is the truth of the US and the world's hierarchical organizations. It begins in fraternities and sororities, encouraging cut-throat competition and seeking narcissistic and psychopathic tendencies. Secret societies of the CFR, Bilderbergers, Masons, and Bohemian Grove continue this into the more secret clubs of the Illuminati. Each with psychological tests to locate the most psychopathic members of each generation. MK Ultra and the Monarch projects are partially mind-control experiments, but their real function is to identify the most psychopathic psychiatrists, doctors, etc. Phonetically, medicine means "me dick in ecstasy". That is the goal of the caduceus which is the highest level of the medical community. Two snakes on the pole are two women with the man flying high. Entrance to that group requires raping an infant out of the womb. That rape creates a pattern of behavior in the female: sexual. In the male: homophobic or gay. Take the male out of competition of females, leaves more females for the psychopaths running the show.

This describes the activity at top of the hierarchy. A lesser "rape" is cutting the umbilical cord and separating the infant from mother to create a trauma that is difficult to heal. The infant transfers trust to authority (doctor).

These are the ugly truths of the US society. A society of sexually immature inbreds. Inbreds are those who procreate with less than 23 generations between. Statistically difficult in the USA. The global population is harvested for genes/women. By keeping the population poor, women can be chosen and selected by the rich.

The highest levels of American society are actors and atheletes. Hardly role-models as they party and sex their way through life. Athletic talent is of modest use. Playing games. Actors simulate reality and present a front with little no genuinity. This is not by accident, this is the result of the above.

Most of the factions that held this pattern through antiquity have been destroyed. Changes are afoot. In their insanity, they have murdered hundreds of millions of women. Look around. How many beautiful women do you see in every day life? Compare that to 5-10 years ago. They were operating by "if I can't have it, you can't have it either" mentality and nearly sent the human race extinct. Beautiful women are nearly so as we had many more than census' reported. Herded into the worst men and kept away from the population. "What they don't know won't hurt them."

This is the world's story. Ancient rituals and practices passed down through an anthropological nightmare of beliefs. Despite this we are beginning the Age of Aquarius.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Atlantis and an 80,000 year old database

80,000 years ago a computer system was developed. It was buried deep underground with control systems throughout the world. The purpose of the system was safety. A human organizational system that helped to prevent accidents and encourage human relationships across racial and cultural lines. Many different types of people existed along with the very emotionally and spiritually advanced Atlantians. All people were human, however the Atlantians were more holistically and ecologically balanced and aware.

In addition to basic safety and organization, the computer system tracked individual's emotional influences on each other (karma in essence). It was an attempt to model the idea of universal karma to aid in teaching less mature cultures of the consequence of actions towards others and life itself. Every human interaction is tracked and how you made another feel inside. Not sensual feelings, but emotionally and spiritually. That system was sabotaged many thousands of years ago by a few who weren't so aware of the consequences of their actions. Their goal was to herd the population of females into groups for easy prey. The system was written by good-hearted people who didn't anticipate the ruthlessness of the few who will do anything for power over females for sexual purposes.

Fast forward to today, and we have an 80,000 year old database with genetic IDs for each person and the result of their karmic interactions with others. How they made people feel inside. The Mayan calendar end date of December 21, 2012 was intended as a report card to compare notes and see how everyone did. Keep in mind the Atlantians had assumed immortality was a scientific possiblity with proper genetic adjustments.

Over that 80,000 year period a specific family line (one of the leaders of the original system) was accidentally placed into a trap. Used as a lure for women. The main story was the holy grail bloodline. That bloodline was kept to one male per generation. The father was ritualistically killed soon after a healthy son was born and that son was kept in social exclusion until time for another son 20 or 40 years later.

That family line was of extreme intelligence and physical abilities. Very human, but at the top of nearly every measurable scale. 12,000 years ago, in an attempt to escape the family line's curse, they installed a fail-safe on that computer system. So the system was changed from a karmic report card to a karmic enforcement system. Specifically for anyone who raped a woman or child. That karmic enforcement system will activate on October 15, 2012 (a few do say a few months earlier). The system will be instant-on with no hope of escape. People will not die. In line with basic instincts, they will protect themselves with food and water, protect women and children, however they will be in an emotional torture that will render many as invalids staring at the ceiling most of the time without hope of escape.

Currently, we are in a state of Purgatory. The computer system knows what everyone has done and we have 2 years and several months to increase karmic credit (make others feel emotionally better). Each act of helping another through emotional understanding or adding to their enjoyment of life in a non-sexual way will be part of that credit and reduce the length of the sentence.

This news will be in the mainstream, hopefully soon as everyone should be aware that we have freewill until death. However, the amount of human misery that has been inflicted on the population due to misuse of the safety system has been so grand that this current population will be held accountable for their actions in this current lifetime. The people who designed the fail-safe did their best to bring the world together in a world-wide archeological and genealogical scavenger hunt as different races and cultures learned of their differences, similarities, and shared heritage. However, the sadistic, short-sightedness of a few successfully killed that beautiful plan.

October 15, 2012 is d-day for all who hurt others. The designers of the system were angry and vindictive and wanted to ensure that if their beautiful plan of bringing cultures and races together in understanding and holistic balance with the plants and animal life on this planet was not successful, that those responsible for killing off the good and innocent would be held accountable.

The Illuminati are the destructive ones with an all-seeing eye of the good family line trapped for thousands of years. The good's escape is imminent. Their plan was to literally destroy every single human being on planet earth before that d-day. "If I can't have it, you can't have it either." was the emotion behind their actions. Jealousy of nothing but their own lack of imagination. Their plan has failed however. I am hoping the casualties can be kept to a minimum. The human race will survive and Atlantis II is on its way.

Ocean water mining in harmony with all life
Human relationships encouraging trust
Creativity of all unleashed
Trans-structural time travel

That is the Age of Aquarius that has been prevented and faked every 6-12,000 years for 80,000 years.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Frankenstein Cocktail

The American medical community has designed a cocktail to force women into sexual servitude. The origins are thousands of years old. The caduceus is 2 snakes on a pole which describes doctor's goals: two women servicing the man's penis. Thousands of years ago, the precursors of doctors discovered that inserting a penis in the mouth of an infant soon after birth created a psychological pattern of blowjobs throughout the person's life. Phonetically, medicine is "me dick in ecstasy". Mothers also frequently used the infant on their clitoris as a form of payback for carrying the child for 9 months. When this happens to men, homosexual confusion can result which effectively removes those men from the competition for females. For women, it creates a cycle of sex, then mother for food. Mothers usually stop the practice before the child learns to speak. Later, when the child is 6-8 years old mothers feel guilty and subconsciously or consciously steer the child into the father's penis. Frequently the father is not the true genetic father due to women's proclivity for the provider/nectar switch. In any case, the early sex locks the child into a pattern of blowjobs for their entire lives as they psychologically hope for a man to say "no". This used to happen to only the highest of the elite women, although the American elite has attempted to force this practice into the population since the 1950s. Do women ever nurse in the nursery? Why is the infant separated from mother soon after birth? Why is maternal bonding damaged to the maximum? Why are c-sections sold to mothers?

The Frankenstein cocktail designed by the American medical community:
- prevent maternal bonding
- penis insertion into the infant's mouth (ideally with mother starting the job)
- vaccinations (EG. H1N1 means "hi in one")
- poor food quality to dumb down the child
- molecules designed to fit into the hippocampus (more below)
- electromagnetic waves affect emotional changes

Molecules were designed to lodge into a woman's brain. Once in the hippocampus, radio waves can vibrate that molecule. It gives women a temporary lobotomy by cutting off their higher brain functions. At the same time, the molecule's shape is designed to vibrate and stimulate certain parts of her emotional centers. Those vibrations can elicit nearly any emotion, but the goal is sexual excitement. At high volumes, the woman loses total control over herself and becomes a sexual robot. These molecules enter the brain through common foods like diet soda and fat-free food products.

Avatar Systems

Technology was built upon pods that allow a direct neurological connection with another human being. While pods are more conversational, the avatar system is a booth that shares a psychic connection and allows a person in the avatar booth to control the target's actions and thoughts. The level of control is dependent on a number of factors and some people are automatons whereas others cannot be controlled other than to suggest a body language tic or thought topic.

Over 550 avatar systems exist on planet earth. All are underground and normally underneath a temple or religious symbol. Frequently they are marked by a structure shaped like an old 1940s-style radio antenna. The avatar system is an underground building with thousands of pods. Rooms lead up in a spiral with smaller rooms on the outside and a large room with thousands of pods near the center. At the top of the spiral is an avatar booth. Normally the people at the top of the booth have killed and murdered there way there to cull sex from the women in the population. I think these systems were designed in the 1950s although there was likely a corollary that goes back further in time.

Some Avatar systems are portable.

April 13, 2010 9:44 PM
I think all Avatar systems require a few pods to power them. Usually 18. They might be moved around in trucks or tap into known pods that are still operational.

April 13, 2010 9:46 PM
Note many pods have already been shut down, but some were lost at sea and intentionally thrown overboard to keep the pod system going. The pods short-circuit into the Atlantis protection system.

April 13, 2010 9:48 PM
The source of the original bug in the system is the wire tap into the Atlantis protection system. That might be in a secret computer system buried under Fort Knox. "ok.. (pout) no ecstasy". Or it might be in the Middle East.


A collection of human pods exists on this planet. Ancient in origin. The technology has been around for thousands of years. Hidden from the public. The original intent of those pods is unimportant, but they were designed for trans-structural time travel. Something happened thousands of years ago. Either a sabotage or a mistake. While millions of people were in stasis inside these pods, the time travel failed. Ever since then, they have been used to cull the hottest women for sexual purposes. Over thousands of years, various tactics and strategies were arranged to draw more women into them. Traps to lure women. Using psychic stories and holy grail stories. Women's intuition is really a system of pods with a very strong, intelligent person at the center.

When you are inside a pod, you maintain a neurological connection with one or more persons in the pod network. This allows people to sit quietly while monitoring the thoughts and emotions of another. There is only one person at the core center. That person's DNA vibrational frequency is tuned to ALL pods in the network. Others can simulate that center by sitting on an important node. The person at the center of all the pods has always been one. Passed down from father to son upon the son's birth.

Women are very attracted to the secret. They are attracted to the psychic possibilities and various stories surrounding the pods. It's a very effective trap for finding women. The pods have always been owned by the kings, queens, and other rich landholders who use them for gathering women for sex.

The pods also are used as an idea theft network. Place an intelligent, creative person at the center and ideas and problem solving can be stolen. Schizophrenia (external voices) is not a psychological disorder. It is the result of someone not understanding where the voices are coming from. The voices are human, masquerading as gods.