80,000 years ago a computer system was developed. It was buried deep underground with control systems throughout the world. The purpose of the system was safety. A human organizational system that helped to prevent accidents and encourage human relationships across racial and cultural lines. Many different types of people existed along with the very emotionally and spiritually advanced Atlantians. All people were human, however the Atlantians were more holistically and ecologically balanced and aware.
In addition to basic safety and organization, the computer system tracked individual's emotional influences on each other (karma in essence). It was an attempt to model the idea of universal karma to aid in teaching less mature cultures of the consequence of actions towards others and life itself. Every human interaction is tracked and how you made another feel inside. Not sensual feelings, but emotionally and spiritually. That system was sabotaged many thousands of years ago by a few who weren't so aware of the consequences of their actions. Their goal was to herd the population of females into groups for easy prey. The system was written by good-hearted people who didn't anticipate the ruthlessness of the few who will do anything for power over females for sexual purposes.
Fast forward to today, and we have an 80,000 year old database with genetic IDs for each person and the result of their karmic interactions with others. How they made people feel inside. The Mayan calendar end date of December 21, 2012 was intended as a report card to compare notes and see how everyone did. Keep in mind the Atlantians had assumed immortality was a scientific possiblity with proper genetic adjustments.
Over that 80,000 year period a specific family line (one of the leaders of the original system) was accidentally placed into a trap. Used as a lure for women. The main story was the holy grail bloodline. That bloodline was kept to one male per generation. The father was ritualistically killed soon after a healthy son was born and that son was kept in social exclusion until time for another son 20 or 40 years later.
That family line was of extreme intelligence and physical abilities. Very human, but at the top of nearly every measurable scale. 12,000 years ago, in an attempt to escape the family line's curse, they installed a fail-safe on that computer system. So the system was changed from a karmic report card to a karmic enforcement system. Specifically for anyone who raped a woman or child. That karmic enforcement system will activate on October 15, 2012 (a few do say a few months earlier). The system will be instant-on with no hope of escape. People will not die. In line with basic instincts, they will protect themselves with food and water, protect women and children, however they will be in an emotional torture that will render many as invalids staring at the ceiling most of the time without hope of escape.
Currently, we are in a state of Purgatory. The computer system knows what everyone has done and we have 2 years and several months to increase karmic credit (make others feel emotionally better). Each act of helping another through emotional understanding or adding to their enjoyment of life in a non-sexual way will be part of that credit and reduce the length of the sentence.
This news will be in the mainstream, hopefully soon as everyone should be aware that we have freewill until death. However, the amount of human misery that has been inflicted on the population due to misuse of the safety system has been so grand that this current population will be held accountable for their actions in this current lifetime. The people who designed the fail-safe did their best to bring the world together in a world-wide archeological and genealogical scavenger hunt as different races and cultures learned of their differences, similarities, and shared heritage. However, the sadistic, short-sightedness of a few successfully killed that beautiful plan.
October 15, 2012 is d-day for all who hurt others. The designers of the system were angry and vindictive and wanted to ensure that if their beautiful plan of bringing cultures and races together in understanding and holistic balance with the plants and animal life on this planet was not successful, that those responsible for killing off the good and innocent would be held accountable.
The Illuminati are the destructive ones with an all-seeing eye of the good family line trapped for thousands of years. The good's escape is imminent. Their plan was to literally destroy every single human being on planet earth before that d-day. "If I can't have it, you can't have it either." was the emotion behind their actions. Jealousy of nothing but their own lack of imagination. Their plan has failed however. I am hoping the casualties can be kept to a minimum. The human race will survive and Atlantis II is on its way.
Ocean water mining in harmony with all life
Human relationships encouraging trust
Creativity of all unleashed
Trans-structural time travel
That is the Age of Aquarius that has been prevented and faked every 6-12,000 years for 80,000 years.
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