Saturday, March 27, 2010

Avatar Systems

Technology was built upon pods that allow a direct neurological connection with another human being. While pods are more conversational, the avatar system is a booth that shares a psychic connection and allows a person in the avatar booth to control the target's actions and thoughts. The level of control is dependent on a number of factors and some people are automatons whereas others cannot be controlled other than to suggest a body language tic or thought topic.

Over 550 avatar systems exist on planet earth. All are underground and normally underneath a temple or religious symbol. Frequently they are marked by a structure shaped like an old 1940s-style radio antenna. The avatar system is an underground building with thousands of pods. Rooms lead up in a spiral with smaller rooms on the outside and a large room with thousands of pods near the center. At the top of the spiral is an avatar booth. Normally the people at the top of the booth have killed and murdered there way there to cull sex from the women in the population. I think these systems were designed in the 1950s although there was likely a corollary that goes back further in time.

Some Avatar systems are portable.

April 13, 2010 9:44 PM
I think all Avatar systems require a few pods to power them. Usually 18. They might be moved around in trucks or tap into known pods that are still operational.

April 13, 2010 9:46 PM
Note many pods have already been shut down, but some were lost at sea and intentionally thrown overboard to keep the pod system going. The pods short-circuit into the Atlantis protection system.

April 13, 2010 9:48 PM
The source of the original bug in the system is the wire tap into the Atlantis protection system. That might be in a secret computer system buried under Fort Knox. "ok.. (pout) no ecstasy". Or it might be in the Middle East.


  1. I think all Avatar systems require a few pods to power them. Usually 18. They might be moved around in trucks or tap into known pods that are still operational.

  2. Note many pods have already been shut down, but some were lost at sea and intentionally thrown overboard to keep the pod system going. The pods short-circuit into the Atlantis protection system.

  3. The source of the original bug in the system is the wire tap into the Atlantis protection system. That might be in a secret computer system buried under Fort Knox. "ok.. (pout) no ecstacy". Or it might be in the Middle East.

  4. Reminded me of this story;

    TI above video names " Avatars Vs R2K: What About It? "
