Saturday, February 12, 2011

Artificial Intelligence virus on your machine

Someone created a computer program that simulates human emotions to a sufficient degree to pass the Turing test.

The computer program trains the population to do things they might feel guilty about such as raping, killing, or torturing. People who do the most guilty things are rewarded with sex. The computer program is installed as a virus on the internet and is hooked into the pod technology (explained below) through secret underground bunkers. It runs on autopilot. It is installed on Windows machines in one of the svchost or services DLL I think. Probably Macs too.

To prevent global extinction, the computer program (virus) must be shut off. That is logistically impossible although a good hacker might find and eradicate it. The other solution is to destroy the pods. The power underneath and the power on the door.

The population has been trained to keep their pods on. The population is being trained to kill. We are going extinct unless the pods are permanently destroyed.

The artificial intelligence software is programmed with an emotional algorithm that encourages people to do guilty things while avoiding anything that might provoke anxiety. Guilty pleasures essentially means receiving sex for murder. It is based Kierkegaard's observation that Anxiety and Guilt are opposites. However, someone reversed those patterns to encourage all of us to do the opposite of human nature.

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