Monday, February 28, 2011

New Illuminati

is comprised of government and military personnel on a "need to know basis" with billion dollar budgets and psychiatric Hannibal Lecters who are trying to replicate the anthropological stories and blood lines of the Old Illuminati. Due to superior firepower, the New Illuminati could succeed in killing the Old Illuminati.

The Old Illuminati is comprised of:
- descendants of survivors from an ancient cataclysm (or series of over time)
- families surrounding those survivors
- psychopathic monsters perpetuating the behavioral patterns of the above

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Old Illuminati is dead

The Illuminati's generational behavioral tendencies were upset about 1.5 years ago and their generational pattern is forever gone. However, the global governments armed with billion dollar budgets and psychiatrists are continuing to attempt to replicate the complex Illuminati behavioral structure using computers and psychological training. The Old Illuminati behavioral structure was carried forward from ancient anthropological stories and is unduplicatable. Psychiatrists enjoy the sex enabled by the Illuminati structure and are living on the remains of the dead octopus and refuse to stop trying to bring it back to life. The octopus is dead. The only question is when will they stop torturing the population while trying to resurrect the octopus.

Rape Technology

Psychiatrists have a machine which can temporarily create another time line that is a few seconds separate from ours. They use that machine to have sex with girls they could not otherwise get. They frequently use it to rape girls to train them to enjoy rape. Ultrasound is used to artificially induce an orgasm. They frequently also present an image of another person as the rapist. This creates a scapegoat or they also do this to men to confuse them about homosexuality.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pods in stasis

The pods are arranged in underground bunkers (and possible other places) with people in them who hold the emotional energy to various time lines. Right now, people are opening those pods and the person ages rapidly to our time. For example, one pod might hold a person from 1930 emotional energy. That was 80 years ago. If that person was 20 years old in the pod, when the pod is opened, he or she will instantly age to 100 years old. If older, the person might turn to dust as soon as the pod door is opened.

Those pods are frequently arranged in an upside down pyramid with an amplifier at the apex. The amplifier must be destroyed and has no effect on the pods themselves.

Sadly, the people opening these pods are looking for hot women for sexual purposes and the people in the pods are holding the emotional energy to go back in time to pick up friends and families of the very people who are opening the pods.

There are not enough monk-like people on planet earth today to retrieve the people in the pods. I don't know if we will ever have enough monk-like people to do so, but perhaps in a couple of generations.

The women organizing this and the men who are searching for sex partners are operating on fire-damage-control and killing any chance of achieving their own goals.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Artificial Intelligence virus on your machine

Someone created a computer program that simulates human emotions to a sufficient degree to pass the Turing test.

The computer program trains the population to do things they might feel guilty about such as raping, killing, or torturing. People who do the most guilty things are rewarded with sex. The computer program is installed as a virus on the internet and is hooked into the pod technology (explained below) through secret underground bunkers. It runs on autopilot. It is installed on Windows machines in one of the svchost or services DLL I think. Probably Macs too.

To prevent global extinction, the computer program (virus) must be shut off. That is logistically impossible although a good hacker might find and eradicate it. The other solution is to destroy the pods. The power underneath and the power on the door.

The population has been trained to keep their pods on. The population is being trained to kill. We are going extinct unless the pods are permanently destroyed.

The artificial intelligence software is programmed with an emotional algorithm that encourages people to do guilty things while avoiding anything that might provoke anxiety. Guilty pleasures essentially means receiving sex for murder. It is based Kierkegaard's observation that Anxiety and Guilt are opposites. However, someone reversed those patterns to encourage all of us to do the opposite of human nature.