Thousands of years ago, a powerful king was killed and his son was hidden in the population and never informed of his position or inheritance. The people surrounding him took the throne as administrators or impersonated a king/queen. People who discovered the truth were killed or bought off. It's that simple to steal a throne.
This created a pattern: keep the son alive, kill the father upon his birth, use the son as intellectual slave and kept down in the population. Refuse him access to wealth or influence. To keep the genetic line manageable to a single son, prevent interaction with women. Only one child allowed with the father oblivious and killed upon the birth of a son.
The US military's most secret project has been to keep that single family line hidden in the population. Impersonating that line as the holy grail bloodline. It appears that bloodline is the descendant of Jesus and Isis before. They impersonate him to simply have sex with the hottest women on earth. Spreading their weak seed and killing people who get in the way. In that way, much of the population of the US has been bred to be parasitic (by killing off the non-parasitic). The survivors are genetically bred to have little empathy or compassion. Most of the population projects an image without substance. Bluff and appearance is revered in the US and competence, persistence, and effort is punished.
That is the truth of the US and the world's hierarchical organizations. It begins in fraternities and sororities, encouraging cut-throat competition and seeking narcissistic and psychopathic tendencies. Secret societies of the CFR, Bilderbergers, Masons, and Bohemian Grove continue this into the more secret clubs of the Illuminati. Each with psychological tests to locate the most psychopathic members of each generation. MK Ultra and the Monarch projects are partially mind-control experiments, but their real function is to identify the most psychopathic psychiatrists, doctors, etc. Phonetically, medicine means "me dick in ecstasy". That is the goal of the caduceus which is the highest level of the medical community. Two snakes on the pole are two women with the man flying high. Entrance to that group requires raping an infant out of the womb. That rape creates a pattern of behavior in the female: sexual. In the male: homophobic or gay. Take the male out of competition of females, leaves more females for the psychopaths running the show.
This describes the activity at top of the hierarchy. A lesser "rape" is cutting the umbilical cord and separating the infant from mother to create a trauma that is difficult to heal. The infant transfers trust to authority (doctor).
These are the ugly truths of the US society. A society of sexually immature inbreds. Inbreds are those who procreate with less than 23 generations between. Statistically difficult in the USA. The global population is harvested for genes/women. By keeping the population poor, women can be chosen and selected by the rich.
The highest levels of American society are actors and atheletes. Hardly role-models as they party and sex their way through life. Athletic talent is of modest use. Playing games. Actors simulate reality and present a front with little no genuinity. This is not by accident, this is the result of the above.
Most of the factions that held this pattern through antiquity have been destroyed. Changes are afoot. In their insanity, they have murdered hundreds of millions of women. Look around. How many beautiful women do you see in every day life? Compare that to 5-10 years ago. They were operating by "if I can't have it, you can't have it either" mentality and nearly sent the human race extinct. Beautiful women are nearly so as we had many more than census' reported. Herded into the worst men and kept away from the population. "What they don't know won't hurt them."
This is the world's story. Ancient rituals and practices passed down through an anthropological nightmare of beliefs. Despite this we are beginning the Age of Aquarius.